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​ is an online platform combining the offer from different designers for the modern bride. From wedding dresses to bridal accessories.


95% of the brides research online for their wedding dress and products they want for their wedding.


This online shop is launched under the company TTC Fashion Trade GmbH which was founded together with two other fashion professionals in November 2015 in Berlin.






Wedding Fashion & Accessories Berlin


In 2004 Constanze Wolff founded her label during her studies of fashion design in Berlin. The first collection "kind-l-ich" focussed the struggle of modern women of growing up. Key elements in the collection where natural colors on the outside of the garments and pop up colors in the inside as a metaphor of the grown up ouside of the body and the playful innerself.


Photo: Tina Rothe




Temporäre Tattoos : temporary tattoos :

from Berlin

We are a design duo from Berlin, we had the idea to develop individual temporary tattoos with friends and artists, that we would wear ourselves. We then established our brand TATATAT in 2014 and are sharing our fun art project through our website and curated stores throughout Germany. 


Photographer Arianna Frickhinger



​ is the first project and targets female customers, who are looking for a dress for special occasions like Christmas, New Years and other festivities around the end of the year. is the first online pop up and is only open for one month. It is a marketplace where brands offer their products and ship them directly to the customer.


This online shop is launched under my new company TTC Fashion Trade GmbH which was founded together with two other women in November 2015.






We believe in the power of “what if?”

Wir sind das Berliner Duo Constanze Wolff und Tahnee Laternser. Strukturierte Brillianz und kreativer Wahnsinn. 


Ein unschlagbares Team, verbunden durch die ungestillte Neugier für innovative Geschäftsmodelle und das Gespür für kreative Sensibilität. 2015 legten wir den Grundstein für LWInstinct. Bereits 2016 ging unsere zweite Plattform live. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Lifestyle und Fashion Segment haben wir für die führenden Player in Deutschland gearbeitet, aboutyou.deZalando


"Wir verlassen uns auf unseren Instinkt, das Gespür für die Individualität der Marke und erschaffen Einzigartigkeit."



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